Thursday 26 September 2013

Homeopathy for Injuries & Accidents

Homeopathy for Injuries & Accidents

Homeopathic remedies can be used for a variety of first aid health complaints, including injuries. Whether the injury is from an accident, playing sports, physical strain or another type of vigorous physical 
activity, it’s time to reach for 
your Homeopathic 
First Aid Kit!

Cuts and Scrapes
Apply direct pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, then wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water. Apply Calendula Cream before covering the wound with a bandage. Repeat application with the Calendula Cream 3-4 times per day.
Additionally, homeopathic Calendula 30C can also be taken 2-3 times per day.
See an MD if there is much redness, swelling or pus buildup around the wound, if there are red streaks extending from around the wound, or if fever has occurred.


Apply ice packs to the injured part for 30 minutes to reduce swelling.
Arnica 30C or 200C is the main remedy for bruising. For minor bruising, take 2-3 times per day. For more severe bruising, take every hour the first day, then 3 times per day on subsequent days. Discontinue dosing after bruising improves.
Take Ledum 30C if the bruise feels cold and numb, or if Arnica has stopped helping. Ledum 30C is also the remedy of choice for a black eye. Take 3 times per day.
For bruising of the bones, take Ruta 30C. This remedy is indicated for bruising of the shin, kneecap, or elbow. Take 3 times per day.

Puncture Wounds

After being wounded by a sharp, foreign object, clean the wound with soap and water. Then, soak the wounded part in warm water for 15 minutes three times per day to speed healing. Cover the wound with a bandage if there is an opening in the skin. Apply Calendula Cream before covering the wound with a bandage. Repeat application with the Calendula Cream 3-4 times per day.
Ledum 30c is the most common remedy for puncture wounds.
Hypericum 30C should instead be given if there are sharp, shooting pains.

For puncture wounds, give one of the above remedies 3-4 times per day.

Strains and Sprains: Injuries to the Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons
Rest the injured part, apply an ice pack to the injured area, wrap a bandage around the injured part, and keep the injured part elevated.
Apply Arnica Gel to the injured part twice per day. Additionally, the following homeopathic remedies can be taken internally:
Arnica 30C or 200C is usually the first remedy to take after a strain or sprain. This remedy is indicated if there is bruising, swelling and inflammation.
Once the swelling and bruising has improved, you may want to switch to another indicated remedy, listed below:
Rhus Tox 30c is one of the most frequently indicated remedies after a strain or sprain. The pain and stiffness are worse on first motion, and are better upon continued movement. This remedy is commonly indicated after overlifting or physical overexertion.
Bryonia 30C if motion makes the injury worse, and the only way to relieve the pain is to keep the injured part very still.
Try Ruta 6C or 30C if the injury is close to the bone. This remedy is useful for injuries to the wrists or ankles, and for tennis elbow.
Strontium Carbonicum 6C is a good remedy to try for ankle sprains that have not responded to other remedies, or for recurrent ankle sprains.
Give one of the above indicated remedies 3 times per day for up to 3 weeks.

Fractures (Broken Bones)

After medical attention has been sought, the following remedies can speed healing:

Arnica 30C or 200C should be the first remedy given after a fracture. It will help with bruising, swelling and tenderness.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30C should be given instead of Arnica if there is not much bruising or swelling, or it can be given after Arnica.
Give the above remedies 3X per day.
After the initial pain and swelling have diminished, give Symphytum 6C, 3 times per day for 2-3 weeks.
Bryonia 30C is a useful remedy for broken ribs. Give a dose or two of Arnica first, then give Bryonia 3X per day.

Nerve Injuries
For injuries to the nerves, such as fingers and toes, give Hypericum 30C three times per day. Also apply Arnica Gel to the injured area.
Rest, elevate, and ice the injured part.

Head Injuries & Whiplash

Arnica 30C or 200C should be the first remedy given if there is bleeding, bruising, pain and shock. Give a dose every hour for 5-6 doses.
Hypericum 12C or 30C is the most useful remedy for whiplash. Give one dose daily for up to three weeks.
Natrum Sulphuricum 200C is useful for head injuries that have not responded completely to Arnica, or for people who have never been well since a head injury. Give 3 doses only, spaced 8 hours apart.

Those who are experiencing chronic pain, or have never been well since an injury, require constitutional homeopathic treatment. Contact to book an appointment.

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